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The perfect pairing for any New Generation fan. Bring an outfit together with our beautiful TNG Shield Red Ombre tie in 100% silk, and our incredibly detailed TNG Enterprise Blueprint cufflinks. Live long and prosper, and look great while you're doing it. Officially licensed by Star Trek. Plated base metal with screenprint, Fixed Logo Backing Cufflinks, 100% Silk Tie, Officially licensed by Star Trek,

Emirates, which had built its global brand around the A380 and Boeing 777 and which has 100 of the Airbus superjumbos in its fleet, said it was disappointed by the closure. “Emirates has been a staunch supporter of the A380 since its very inception,” said Emirates Chairman Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed al-Maktoum. “While we are disappointed to have to give up our order, and sad that the program could not be sustained, we accept that this is the reality of the situation,” he added.

The decision came after Emirates failed to reach an engine agreement with Britain’s Rolls-Royce, which said on Thursday it noted the decision to shut down the program, The A380 will remain a pillar of the Emirates fleet well into the 2030s, the airline said, Emirates’ local rival Etihad of Abu Dhabi also disclosed it was cutting some Airbus and Boeing jet orders, highlighting growing questions over the growth of Gulf airlines, Making its maiden flight in 2005, the A380 was a major step in Airbus’s efforts to compete on equal terms with Boeing and challenge what had been tng enterprise gift set cufflinks a cash cow for its arch-rival..

But sales of the industry’s largest four-engined jets have fallen due to improvements in lighter twin-engined alternatives, such as the Boeing 787 and 777 or Airbus’s own A350. “What we are seeing here is the end of the large four-engined aircraft,” Enders said after halting the program in his last major decision before stepping down in April. “There has been speculation that we were 10 years too early; I think it is clear that we were 10 years too late,” he added.

BERLIN (Reuters) - The German government is not expecting widespread job cuts in Europe’s largest economy following Airbus’s decision to tng enterprise gift set cufflinks scrap production of the A380 superjumbo, the aerospace policy coordinator told Reuters on Thursday, Thomas Jarzombek said around 1,000 jobs in Germany would be affected by Airbus’s announcement but added: “We expect these jobs will largely continue to exist, working on different models such as the A350, the newest plane on the market, or the A330 neo.”..

VIENNA (Reuters) - Austria’s competition authority has begun investigating whether Amazon is exploiting its market dominance in relation to other retailers that use its website as a marketplace, it said on Thursday. This follows a similar move by German authorities, which announced an investigation in November. European regulators have been taking a tough line on U.S. tech giants like Google and Facebook, while the European Commission is also looking into Amazon’s dual role as retailer and marketplace.

The Austrian regulator said it would examine terms and conditions under which the U.S, online giant grants Austrian vendors access to its marketplace, “There is a suspicion that Amazon puts other retailers on a tng enterprise gift set cufflinks disadvantage on its marketplace, thereby trying to favor its own offerings,” it said in a statement, Amazon said it does not comment on ongoing proceedings but would “cooperate fully with the Austrian competition authority”, The regulator said unfair trade practices which might be considered include abrupt termination of seller accounts, obligations to disclose purchase prices and jurisdiction clauses that complicate taking legal action..

“The outcome might be commitments, an application for a fine or an application for termination of infringements to the cartel court,” Director General Theodor Thanner said. Austrian retailers filed a complaint against the U.S. firm with the authority in December. They said Amazon could in theory see the prices listed by retailers on its platform, undercut their prices and attract all that business in the long run. Retailers make up nearly 60 percent of bought items on the Amazon site and their revenues grow twice as fast in the European Union as Amazon’s own sales, the U.S. firm says.

(Reuters) - Shares of soft drink bottler Coca Cola HBC AG fell 4 percent on Thursday after it warned of higher finance costs tng enterprise gift set cufflinks and weak consumer spending in several of its markets this year, The company - which bottles and sells Coca-Cola Co drinks in 28 countries, mostly in Europe - said costs related to refinancing an 800-million Euro bond, which matures in June 2020, may double this year and cross currency fluctuations would hurt its core profit by 50 million euros, It also said economic growth this year is forecast to slow in a number of its markets, It said this is likely to crimp consumer spending in its “established” and “developing” markets segments, which together comprised 48 percent of its volumes last year..

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