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Revolver Cufflinks in Silver, The best miniature revolver cufflinks set, designed with utmost care for the gun enthusiast fellow. , Dimensions: 1" x 1/2", Material: rhodium silver,

Late on Tuesday, Dutch Finance Minister Wopke Hoekstra announced the acquisition of an initial 12.7 percent stake for 680 million euros ($774 million). By the end of Wednesday it had increased its holding to 14 percent at a total cost of 744 million euros, the government said in a statement. That was close to parity with France’s 14.3 percent stake. The stealth move came weeks after a confrontation between the Dutch government and the company’s French-dominated executive board over waning Dutch influence.

France reacted angrily to what Finance Minister revolver cufflinks in silver Bruno Le Maire described as an “incomprehensible” intervention by the Netherlands, Le Maire will meet Hoekstra to discuss the standoff later this week, officials said, with one likening its behavior to that of a “corporate raider”, Although Air France and KLM merged in 2004, the KLM subsidiary has always maintained an independent corporate structure within the group, With The Hague’s firm backing, the KLM subsidiary has balked at attempts by Air France-KLM group’s new Canadian Chief Executive Ben Smith to move toward deeper integration..

Air France-KLM said on Wednesday it would seek to ensure that the Dutch government’s sudden arrival as a major shareholder “will not negatively impact the new working dynamic of the group”. While the stake-building appears to have supported the share price over recent days, Liberum analysts said, hopes that the French government would eventually sell its shares now look unjustified. “Government interference is unwelcome and likely to be contrary to investors’ interests,” they said.

Delta Airlines and China Eastern Airlines each also hold an 8.8 percent stake in Air France-KLM, CEO Smith traveled to the Netherlands for an uncomfortable meeting with Finance Minister Hoekstra before an Air France board meeting on Feb, 19., Sources close to KLM said Smith’s dismissive attitude toward Dutch government concerns about the role of Amsterdam’s Schiphol revolver cufflinks in silver Airport likely prompted the government’s decision to act, Hoekstra said buying the stake was a “fundamental step toward protecting Dutch interests”, at a news conference called at short notice on Tuesday night in the Hague..

BERLIN (Reuters) - Volkswagen on Wednesday praised its cooperation with Ford and took pains to highlight its rival’s autonomous vehicles technology, as both carmakers explore deepening their partnership to include self-driving cars. VW and Ford have agreed to develop a range of commercial vehicles together and explored cooperating on electric cars. VW has however so far resisted agreeing to invest in Ford’s autonomous vehicle unit. “We are very happy joining forces on light commercial vehicles and we are exploring this further,” Volkswagen’s Chief Executive Herbert Diess said on Wednesday.

BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union should set up a police force to investigate tax evasion and financial crime and create a watchdog to counter money-laundering, EU lawmakers said in a report on Wednesday, which accuses seven member states of acting as tax havens, The report is the result of a year’s work by a committee of the EU Parliament, set up after a series of revolver cufflinks in silver revelations of alleged financial crime in some EU states and in tax havens across the world, such as the Luxleaks and Panama Papers..

The committee concluded that not enough has been done by EU states to close loopholes on tax rules, as many governments showed a “lack of political will to tackle tax avoidance and financial crime.”. Under pressure from media revelations, EU states did approve some reforms in past years to reduce tax avoidance, but blocked the most relevant overhauls over a common tax base and a digital levy. New loopholes have also emerged, such as the “cum/ex” tax trade trick revealed last year by Reuters and other media organizations.

The European Commission, revolver cufflinks in silver led by former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, shunned proposing a reform that could end governments’ veto power on tax matters, The lack of appetite for reform is partly due to the fact that some of the 28 EU states “display traits of a tax haven and facilitate aggressive tax planning,” the report said, citing Luxembourg, Belgium, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Malta and The Netherlands, “Europe has a serious money-laundering and tax fraud problem,” said socialist lawmaker Jeppe Kofod, who took part in drafting the report..

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